The Italian news show Studio Aperto talks about our Documentary “The Red House”.
The Red House (2021) @ Trento Film Festival
Our documentary “The Red House” has been selected for the 69th edition of the Trento Film Festival (in Competition). It will be the film’s Italian Premiere.
More Info HERE
Documentary “The Red House” @ Tageschau
The German Tageschau, by the broadcaster ARD, talks about our Documentary The Red House (2021; D: Francesco Catarinolo; DOP: Bernadette Weber; Editing: Ylenia Busolli; Sound: Dominic Rogan; Production: Tekla Films, Vidicom Media, FCTP, IDM, NORDMEDIA, NDR/ARTE, RSI, RAI BOLZANO, REAL FICTION DISTR., PAUL THILTGES)
Watch from Minute 30:00.